Monthly Archives: February 2015

Dinner for 1 in Hanoi

On our third night in Hanoi, Kim didn’t feel well, so I wondered out on my own in search of food. Vietnamese food has yet to disappoint me, and this time was no different. Full disclosure: this story may be the most boring entry on our blog.

I wondered for about 3 blocks. There were a few upscale fusion restaurants aimed at tourists, a high end Vietnamese restaurant, and a nice wine store (where I found a bottle reminiscent of that time we took Travis’s VW across the Alps and Danny puked at a vineyard). There were Pho restaurants, a place that served some funny looking soup, some bars, and a pizza place. And there was street food. Finally, I was motioned over to a setup on the corner of Hang Manh and Hang Quat that advertise fried crab rolls and grilled pork.

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